Creating Resilient Cricket Pitches

A well prepared cricket wicket requires compaction - seemingly detrimental to healthy turfgrass health and growth. Compaction squeezes the grass roots and prevents an active microbial population from helping to grow good turf surfaces. Growing deep rooting grass is vital for holding the pitch together in the UK and Irish climates, with us not having the extended heat of other cricket nations such as India, South Africa and the West Indies, that dries out the clay-based pitches.

Soil Biology agronomists, however, can help by advising correct nutrition that ensures a speedy recovery of the grass between matches. Our biostimulants help the grass to grow deep roots, binding the clay together and helping the grass recover.

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Hybrid Tea

Consortium of synergistic rhizosphere bacteria and fungi developed specifically to address problems associated with amenity turf management such as nutrient availability and thatch build-up.

Liquid Foliar Feeds

pHylloGreen 12.2.7

Revolutionary development in foliar nutrition, containing nitrate N for a quick response and amide slow-release N for a longer plant uptake. Unlocks calcium in and phosphorus in rootzones.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you