Creating Resilient Sports Pitches

The number of matches played seems to increase year on year, with pressures placed on the Head Groundsperson to keep the standards of presentation high. Also, increased television coverage of football and rugby has resulted in increased expectations regarding the standard of the pitch. Mistakes by players can be the result of factors such as poor rooting and weak grass growth. Soil Biology agronomists will help you by advising on how to produce pitches with deep roots and a thick sward.

Soil Biology agronomists will help you by advising on how to produce pitches with deep roots and a thick sward. Deep shade, frequent matches and heavy watering on sand dominated rootzones, play a part in the pressures of keeping high standards, and nutrition management is key to high quality pitches in stadia environments. Soil Biology treatments are designed to help the turfgrass plant to thrive in these harsh growing conditions.

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Hybrid Tea

Consortium of synergistic rhizosphere bacteria and fungi developed specifically to address problems associated with amenity turf management such as nutrient availability and thatch build-up.

Liquid Foliar Feeds

pHylloGreen 12.2.7

Revolutionary development in foliar nutrition, containing nitrate N for a quick response and amide slow-release N for a longer plant uptake. Unlocks calcium in and phosphorus in rootzones.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you