
SB BrewsterMax is a blend of synergistic bacteria & fungi, developed as an additive to include with BrewsterCompost in a compost tea brewer.

Brewster Compost

Matured compost - CERTIFIED PATHOGEN FREE - developed to produce high quality and biologically diverse compost teas. Compatible with all biostimulants, inorganic and organic fertilisers.

Brewster Life

Concentrated consortium of fungi specifically formulated for use in compost tea systems. Promotes fungal dominance in the rootzone for perennial turfgrasses.

Hybrid Tea

Consortium of synergistic rhizosphere bacteria and fungi developed specifically to address problems associated with amenity turf management such as nutrient availability and thatch build-up.


Selected blend of bacteria designed to help turfgrass surfaces combat the heavy wear & intensive management associated with Poa annua dominant amenity turf.


BioScarify is a blend of cellulose and lignin degrading fungi, synergistic rhizosphere bacteria and organic bisostimulants, specifically developed for amenity turf use.


Soluble broad-spectrum consortium of compost tea compatible fungi and bacteria to optimise fertiliser use and maximise plant and soil health. 

EndoMyco Granule and Soluble

A granular Mycorrhizae product containing Glomus sp. extracts from sea organisms, milled minerals, keratin, Patentkali, natural humates, Sapropel and Zeolite.


A highly concentrated mixture of 5 strains of non GMO, soilborne, naturally occurring plant growth promoting rhizobacteria ( spores produced and formulated using a commercial scale fermentation facility.

Dry Patch Blend

Dry Patch Blend is a blend of bacteria formulated for the prevention and reduction of dry patch.