BiolplusMax also aids in fixing nitrogen within the soil as well as solubilising phosphate, making it available to the plant.
It contains carbohydrate bio-stimulants to promote the initial growth of the microbial population.
Add BioPlusMax to compost teas 1 hour before spraying or dissolve into a bucket of water
before adding to the sprayer.
500gm per Ha.
Water volumes: soil drench 600 L per Ha
Do not apply in high UV conditions or drought conditions unless suitable irrigation is available.
Bacillius spp, Pseudomonas sp, Paenibacillus sp, Azoyobacter sp, Azspirillum sp, Beijerinckia sp.
Total count: 1x 109cfu/g Trichoderma sp. Total fungal count: 2 x 109 propagules/g Carbohydrate
bio stimulant.
Compatibility: Compatible with most biological remedies and organic biostimulants.
Contact your technical advisor for further information on compatibility and tank mixing.