Dry Patch Blend bacteria  out competes dry patch causing fungi for nutrients resulting in the long reduction of dry patch.


Begin to fill sprayer to 600 L of water. Add Dry Patch Blend to an empty bucket then add water and stir until dissolved then add to sprayer. Rinse bucket thoroughly and then add the rinsing to the sprayer. Once mixed, continue agitation until spraying is complete and spray without delay. It is not advised to leave products in the tank for long periods of time.

Application Rates: 5kg per Ha in 600L of water.

Dry Patch Blend can be applied to:

Technical Description

Bacillus spp. ≈ 3% By weight
Pseudomonas spp. ≈ 3% By weight
Paenibacillus sp. ≈ 3% By weight
Dextrose Powder. ≈ 91% By weight

Compatibility: Tank compatibility with most organic solutions. 

Contact your technical advisor for further information on compatibility and tank mixing.