Organically approved and easy to use. EndoMyco helps establish the critical mycorrhizal fungi infrastructure, around which other beneficial soil microbes will gather in support of the plant and root system.

Ideal for golf courses, sports pitches, lawncare, general amenity turf and horticulture.


Amenity: 5 KG/Ha

Herbage seed: 1.0-1.5 KG/Ha mixed with herbage seed. Amenity: 5 KG/Ha

APPLICATION PERIOD -Timing: During drilling mixed with seed. (Can be arranged to be premixed with your herbage seed).

EndoMyco can be applied to:

Technical Description

Over 220,000 propagules/Ha
Glomus sp.
Extracts from sea organisms (Chitin, Sea- weed)
Milled minerals (Apatite, Phosphate, Do- lomite)
Natural Humates

Compatibility: Do not mix with phosphorous granular fertilisers. Do always seek confirmation about your requirements before using.

Contact your technical advisor for further information on compatibility and tank mixing.