Ideal for golf courses, sports pitches, lawncare, general amenity turf and horticulture.
Amenity: 5 KG/Ha
Herbage seed: 1.0-1.5 KG/Ha mixed with herbage seed. Amenity: 5 KG/Ha
APPLICATION PERIOD -Timing: During drilling mixed with seed. (Can be arranged to be premixed with your herbage seed).
Over 220,000 propagules/Ha
Glomus sp.
Extracts from sea organisms (Chitin, Sea- weed)
Milled minerals (Apatite, Phosphate, Do- lomite)
Natural Humates
Compatibility: Do not mix with phosphorous granular fertilisers. Do always seek confirmation about your requirements before using.
Contact your technical advisor for further information on compatibility and tank mixing.