Fortress (6N, o.6 K,1.2Mg,2 Sa)

Fortress has been complexed to assist rapid uptake of all the nutrients sprayed as a foliar feed to relieve stress under varying environmental conditions.


OrthoSilicicAcid is a very unique formulation that stabilises liquid silicic acid into a nutrient solution being fully usable by the plant via both foliar and root application.

Phosphite 0-32-23

Phosphite 0-32-23 is a readily available, concentrated and mobile form of both phosphorus and potassium, specifically prepared for amenity turf.

ProSilicon 24% Si -12% K

A premium quality potassium silicate formulated specifically for amenity turf and designed to combat the stressed of heavy play and intensive management.


Triboost is something slightly different compared to a regular stimulator and is called a Phytohormone, ‘growth factor’ or stimulant.