OrthoSilicicAcid will naturally increase the strength of cells and increase plant growth so optimising overall growth, health, and balance. OrthoSilicicAcid aids the balance of nutrient uptake by addressing the silicon requirements thereby reducing competition for uptake against other essential elements.
OrthoSilicicAcid reinforces the leaf cuticle and other epidermal tissues to reduce susceptibility to pathogenic invasion and pest pressure.
Mixing: Half fill the spray tank with water, begin agitation then add SB Orthosilicic Acid. Rinse container thoroughly and then add the rinsing to the sprayer.
Once mixed, continue agitation until
spraying is complete and spray without delay. It is not advised to leave products in the tank for long periods of time.
Rates: 250ml to 500ml per Ha. Please conduct a bucket test when working with unknown solutions.
Compatibility: Tank compatibility with most inorganic and organic solutions. For details of compatibilities contact your distributor or local Soil Biology representative. Please conduct a bucket test when working with unknown solutions.