Triboost increases cell division rates, which produces larger root and shoot mass. When sprayed on plant during growth periods, it activates secondary messengers which increase enzymatic and hormone activity to boost Brix levels and plant immunity.

It is non-toxic, yet when it is used to best effect, it produces a
major difference in the way that a plant grows (in a highly beneficial and positive way).

Triboost has shown to improve protein synthesis, increase in turf vigour/stress specially at the start of the season. Used at the correct dosage, SB Triboost significantly increases the amount of chlorophyll in leaves, thereby improving the rate of photosynthesis. It increases the rate of cell growth and multiplication. It down-regulates stress factors and yet up-regulates photosynthesis, photorespiration, and assimilation of CO2.


Apply at a rate of 50-100ml per Ha in 200L-300 L of water.

Triboost can be applied all year round as required.

TriBoost can be applied to:

Technical Description

Naturally occurring plant growth promoter. 2.5% Photohormone

Pre-dilute SB Triboost by mixing 1 part product to 10 parts water.

Always add to tank mix last, always predilute.

Contact your technical advisor for further information on compatibility and tank mixing.